Introducing DICE.GAME, the first real-time DeFi game on Fantom

Dice Game
4 min readMay 19, 2021


Welcome to the first decentralized game of the fastest blockchain Fantom with an all new Game-farming Ecosystem.

Gaming is currently one of the biggest industries in the world and could catalyze the adoption of blockchain into the mainstream. Those who are on the inside know that blockchain technology could completely restructure and revolutionize the billion dollar industry, making games more immersive than ever.

Founded on the concept that blockchain represents a truly disruptive technology, Dice.Game brings a platform to play the most popular DICE games in a fun, verifiable, futuristic and provably fair decentralized environment.

Built on and native to the Fantom blockchain, aims to provide a seamless experience of the blockchain interlaced with DeFi games through a real-time, intuitive multi-player user interface. Players can benefit from the qualities of fast speeds and low transaction fees inherited from Fantom.

Real-time gaming is made possible, thanks to Fantom’s highly scalable blockchain platform. With block intervals and transaction times of only 1 second! This means the game can keep updating in real time without having to wait for a long block interval. The result? User transactions go through quickly and the game runs smoothly, with a new game being played every minute.

Our philosophy is that technology should be used to build entertaining platforms that are user-friendly, decentralized and fun. Our first game is built based on the ever-popular SicBo and it is ready to be deployed.

Welcome to a fair, provable and fun gaming experience!

Our new gaming platform, DICE.GAME integrates the best of blockchain technology by using the fastest blockchain, Fantom.

What’s unique about our platform?

Unique to our platform is how fair our system is. We layer a new game-farming ecosystem on top of the existing DeFi swap, pool and farm features — that means the price of DICE is not contingent on any other exchange. People can exchange the tokens directly within the platform, including exchanges with FTM. They can also add FTM and DICE in the liquidity pool to earn more DICE through farming.

Our game-farming ecosystem:

There’s no other game or technology on the market at the moment that would allow its players to earn cryptocurrency while just playing or even while actively losing.

30% of the DICE tokens created per block is used to reward the players (player rewards start on 15th day of deployment). Doesn’t matter whether a player wins or not — they get rewarded just for playing — this would keep users interested in the platform and draw more people to the game and keep them excited about it.

Every 10 minutes, rewards for providing liquidity and rewards for playing will be updated in the Farming page. Since each game takes about 35 seconds on average, we figured an instant reward update would be impossible — so the rewards in the system are updated every 10 minutes.

That means users can HARVEST (another word to withdraw or claim) both farming rewards (for providing liquidity) and player rewards (for playing the game) every 10 minutes.

DICE Tokenomics

  • Initial mint is 50 million DICE tokens to satisfy initial liquidity, audit, marketing and other development costs.
  • DICE token does not have infinite inflation — the hard cap (maximum total supply) is 1 billion DICE tokens.
  • Starting price of DICE will be 1 FTM = 100 DICE ~ I DICE = 0.01 FTM

New DICE tokens are created at 20 DICE per block, allocated across a range of strategic pillars including: Rewards for liquidity providers, Player rewards — users get rewards for just playing, Fund developers and to keep the prize pool stable.

This becomes 1 DICE per block after the first 15 days until it reaches maximum total supply.

Of the newly minted tokens per block, 40% is allocated for users who provide liquidity, 30% is allocated to the players (beginning 15th day of deployment), 20% to the prize pool and 10% to the developers

As an early adopter of the project, helping to provide liquidity — you become a significant stakeholder of the project earning a good ROI for the liquidity you provide.

The earnings that you receive from liquidity will be proportional to the amount of tokens (FTM-DICE) you have staked versus the total amount of liquidity staked.

Underlying mechanisms:

  • SECURE AND VERIFIABLE: Because users can carry out transactions on a decentralized, transparent infrastructure, every single transaction on the platform can be examined by the user independently for validation.
  • TRANSPARENT: Dice Game eliminates the need for centralized third parties to verify gaming processes, withdrawals or even exchanges as players are afforded the opportunity to prove the fairness of the game by means of randomly created seeds and hashes — by using the Fantom blockchain.
  • PROVABLY FAIR: Our platform encompasses mechanisms that will serve to remove third party trust elements from transactions. Decentralized networks ensure that the players own products that are obtained in the game and no-one can play the role of middleman.
  • DECENTRALIZED FUTURE: The platform is built for and deployed on the fastest, and secure Fantom blockchain and will be made to enable cross-chain compatibility in the future. This will attract users across various blockchain platforms easily.

Why join the decentralized tech?

With the world becoming increasingly decentralized and connected, Blockchain based games will accelerate at an astronomical rate. You can either evolve or get left behind. Now is the perfect time to truly make significant gains with this technology and reap the rewards of its applications.



Dice Game

Building a blockchain interface for all your favorite dice games on Fantom. 1st game will be released on June 1. For updates